¤lil' Flamey¤
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How do you know a blonde is having a bad day? She has a tampon behind her ear and she is looking for her pencil


How do you annoy an archaeologist? Give him a tampon and ask them what period it came from!!


If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?         


*~Artificial intelligence is NO MATCH fo natural stupidity!~*


why r blond jokes so short? so guys can understand them!


( throw cheerios on the floor and step on them )...look im a cereal killer!!!




A little voice in my head told me not to steal, so I borrowed without permission instead.


Last night I played a blank tape on full blast. The mime next door went nuts.


<*>If guys had periods they'd compare their tampons<*>


There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't


I was lying in my bed thinking 'Boy you're cute', then i took the mirror off my ceiling and went to sleep.


I used to have schizophrenia, but we're Ok now.


My whole life is just one big blonde moment!


Even if the voices are not real, they have some real good ideas.


¤ They say practice makes perfect... but then no one is perfect... so why practice¤


Well if i called the wrong number, whyd you answer?


4 out of 5 voices in my head say go back to sleep


East to the Sea,West to the Lands,Death to the girl who Touches my Man!

*See my haylo* *Bright n shiny* *Mess wid mee* *I'll kick ure hiney*